Salt Benefits – What Are the Health Benefits of Pink Himalayan Salt?

Oct 12, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

By Gerald

Himalayan pink salt (also known as pink salt) is a highly refined salt mined in the foothills of the Great Himalayas in India. It is produced in two phases, and each phase contains a variety of minerals that contribute to its color. The first phase, called talc, contains a concentration of aluminum chloride, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, tin, zinc, manganese and iron. Talc is the component of baking soda and has been used successfully for hundreds of years to cure breads and cakes, and is still commonly used today for these purposes. Pink salt (or pink Himalayan salt) contains traces of calcium, sodium, chromium, selenium and other trace elements.

pink himalayan salt

Himalayan salt (sometimes also called pink salt) is pink in appearance because it contains a high percentage of trace minerals. Unlike regular table salt or sea salt that contains only one or two minerals, Himalayan salt contains an optimal mixture of calcium, sodium, iron and tin, providing the ideal electrolyte balance needed by the body. It also contains a large amount of magnesium, copper and phosphorus. The trace minerals found in this salt help our bodies maintain a balanced pH level, prevent dehydration and promote a healthy urinary system. Consuming regular table salt only adds to our body’s problems by removing the beneficial trace minerals.

Although most people think Himalayan pink salt is just delicious salt, it is actually a potent detoxifying agent. Its ability to destroy viruses, bacteria and carcinogens makes it useful in treating diseases such as colds, flu and HIV, as well as being beneficial for our overall health and well-being. As a matter of fact, some researchers believe it may even slow down the progression of some age-related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease and arthritis.

A major benefit of pink Himalayan salt is its effects on high blood pressure. Scientific research has shown that high blood pressure can be reduced by up to 40% by increasing sodium intake (as much as possible). This is because salt reduces the amount of fluid in our body and increases our blood pressure. To counter this effect, many people who have hypertension substitute their regular salt for pink Himalayan salt.

In addition to its potential effectiveness as a natural remedy for various ailments, pink Himalayan salt contains trace minerals that are important to our health. For example, iodine deficiency can lead to the development of thyroid disorders and other serious medical conditions. Iodine plays an essential role in regulating the production of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, as well as assisting with the balance of our bacterial flora. Iodine deficiency can also lead to bone diseases and brain disorders.

Finally, this natural product comes from an environment that is almost completely free of pollutants and other harmful contaminants. Because the source of this mineral is so near to the earth’s surface, its accessibility is limited only to the natural rechargeable brines and wells that surround it. Therefore, when pink Himalayan salt is used in preparing salt mixes, it not only helps to lower the amount of pollutants that could potentially be added to ordinary table salt, but it helps to preserve a cleaner environment at the same time.

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